Author Archives: Inglés


Going to Tossa has been a amazing experience. Although it rained two of the days, the monitors managed to keep us entertained with really fun games.
The monitors were quite young (19 years) so we felt like they were our older brothers and sisters instead of our teachers.
There was a big dinning room with lots of tables; food was really good and we ate what we wanted to. The houses were nice, but there were ants walking up and down the walls.
Sara Escudero 1ºA

Life in the Future

What does the future hold? What is life in the future going to be like?

These are some original visions of a future world that some students of 2nd ESO have come up with. Read and enjoy them.



We think life in the year 3000 will be different from our current life. The world will become a forest, because the scientists will create a virus that will affect the trees’ growth.

The humans will live under the trees, we’ll live next to their roots and we’ll live under threat of a dictatorship of scientists and aliens.

The aliens will have a bomb in case some humans want to start a revolution against them or against scientists. The bomb will be called the HK-70, it can destroy our planet in the blink of an eye only pulsing one red button in the alien’s master ship.

Since the scientists will order the world, the religions will be prohibited around the entire planet.

The world will look like a post-apocalyptic fantasy; that is, we’ll live next to the roots of the trees, but we’ll have the best weapons to defend ourselves of the mutant creatures brought by the aliens.

Money won’t exist.The scientists will bring us the special pills we’ll eat with all the nutrients we need and some weapons. That will create internal riots and discussions between the people for the weapons’ possession and to be more powerful than the rest of the humans.

Paula Mateo and Nora Navarro                          2C ESO



In the year 3000, people will live in the space because we will have destroyed the atmosphere.

They will live in cities in the space, near Mercury, because the temperature will be hotter than in other planets, because of the Sun. There, people will live with aliens, they will be very important for the humans, because they will be their pets.

They will move around with UFO’S or flying cars. UFO’S will be the public transport for inhabitants. Children won’t go to school, but will learn at home with computers.

They will feel bad because they will know that they destroyed the Earth. But, they will think that life in the Earth is still possible.

Melanie Silveira y Sara Gil  2B ESO

My Favourite Place

What is your favourite place? A crowded big city? A peaceful little village? Here we have a few of our 2º ESO pupils’ favourite ones.



«On summer holidays, I stay  in my grandpa’s house. It’s an old house built in the 60′, when my parents were born. There is a garden, a small one, and there are hundreds of beautiful flowers. It’s a perfect place for sleeping.

In spite of being on holidays, I get up early. My grandpa has got a strict schedule. I feel a bit half asleep, but the effort is worth. The sunrise you can see from my grandpa’s garden is one of the main reasons why my favourite place is this village.

Even though my grandpa is already 70, he’s still so energetic and every afternoon I spend with him, he takes me to a nearby river, and we catch our dinner. He really’s a good cook. No wonder why my mother cooks so well.»

Guo Rui Pan, 2º ESO A



It’s like a huge peaceful corridor where you can stare the blue shine of the sea, and the beautiful village of Cambrils. Next to this place, you can find the red lighthouse of the village which leads the fishing boats on their return from their daily work. You can also see how the harbor becomes colorful when all the ships are tied. Funny seagulls fly around and try to fish as they are observed by people arrived from many different countries. I think it is the most beautiful place in Cambrils!

Marina Clavel, 2º ESO A



It’s one of the most cosmopolitan cities of Spain. It has the most beautiful and greatest park -for me­- and the palace of the city is more elegant than Buckingham Palace, in London. Do you know what the city is? Oh yes, you´re right. It’s Madrid.

Madrid is the capital of Spain and it’s the largest municipality of the Community of Madrid with a population of 3.2 million. It’s the third largest cosmopolitan area of the European Union, after London and Berlin. And it’s the third largest metropolitan area of the European Union with 6.5 million after London and Paris.


Paula Longares, 2º ESO A



My favourite  place is Cambrils beach, in Tarragona.It is a sandy and beautiful beach, but in summer it’s very busy and crowded.

Near the beach, there is a port, it’s lively and pleasant, you can see the boats and later eat in a restaurant or have an ice cream.


Manuela Navarro , 2º ESO C



I like the park because it is very natural and it has a lot of things to do,too. If you go to this park, you can find people having a good time, children playing, old people reading and groups of people that do sport or talk together. For example, I go to this place with my friends to skate or run.

Nora Navarro, 2º ESO C



One of my favourite places I like to go to, is my village, Cunchillos, a neighbourhood of Tarazona, near the Moncayo. I like it because it is quieter than the city, very few people live in it, about 100 people.

People go to the Teleclub, the only local bar in the neighbourhood, to talk or play cards while having a coffee or a soft drink, or children play outside in the park. There aren´t shops, so they have to go shopping to Tarazona. Cunchillos

Many friends who live in Tarazona come down to their grandparents´ houses in Cunchillos to spend the afternoon or the day, and play football or go cycling. In summer we usually go to the swimming pool at a friend’s house, and at night we go to the cemetery to see the stars.

I think it´s a quiet place to spend a few days on holiday or for the weekend.

Alicia Alegre, 2º ESO B



Bath has got many interesting places to go to.

The first thing that you see when you’re walking around Bath city is Pulteney’s beautiful bridge.City-of-Bath Farther on, there is a university, Crescent Bath University, which is surrounded by a very peaceful, colourful and big park. You can spend hours in the park without getting bored and in the morning, you can see people walking their dogs, doing sport or sitting on a bench reading a book.

But the place I like the most is the shopping centre; there are a lot of shops and it’s outdoors! My favourite shop is ‘Jack of Bath’, they sell a lot of souvenirs about England and Bath itself.

It’s the best city that I’ve ever seen and that is the reason why I’m in love with Bath!

Alexia Bumbacea,  2º ESO B

«English Week» en Tossa de Mar

Del 9 al 13 de mayo, un grupo de alumnos de 1º ESO ha participado en una actividad de inmersión lingüística con actividades lúdico-deportivas en el pueblo costero de Tossa de Mar, Gerona. Durante cinco días, han disfrutado de actividades y deportes al aire libre con monitoras angloparlantes. Toda una experiencia que muchos quieren repetir.

A Comic Strip

We want to start our showroom with some comic strips from 1º ESO. The graphics were designed by Chuck Whelon and the dialogues were written by the pupils.

By Jorge Blanco, 1º PAB

By Jorge Blanco, 1º PAB

By Jenifer Pastor, 1º PAB

Shakespeare’s 400th Anniversary

Para celebrar el 4º Centenario de la muerte de Shakespeare, el departamento organizó, a finales del 2º trimestre, una sesiones de cine, dirigidas a todos los alumnos del Instituto, con un tema común: Versiones de famosas obras de Shakespeare, o como la elegida para 1º y 2º de ESO, «Shakespeare in Love», relacionada con la vida del bardo.

Cartel Shakespeare

Con unas sesiones previas de preparación en sus respectivas clases de inglés, todos los alumnos pudieron disfrutar de la magia de Shakespeare, además de escuchar la musicalidad del verso original en inglés. Difícil!!!! Pero los subtítulos nos ayudaron y el interés fue muy alto.



Intercambio con Warminster School

Un grupo de 19 alumnos de 2º ESO ha realizado un intercambio con Warminster School, en el condado de Wiltshire, Reino Unido. Durante una semana han asistido a clases, han visitado Bath y Stonehenge, y han realizado diversas actividades con sus compañeros británicos.

Todo el grupo del intercambio delante del Departamento de Lenguas Modernas



The Royal Crescent en Bath

The Royal Crescent en Bath

A lesson

En la clase de español de Mr Sustek

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