Author Archives: Inglés

UK Culture Class

On Thursday, our students from 2º to 4º ESO attended an interesting talk on British Culture. They learnt about the different countries that make up the United Kingdom and were surprised to discover curious things. For example, did you know that the national symbol of Wales is the leek? Or that a typical Scottish dish is haggis, made with the heart, liver and stomach of sheep? Yummy!

All of them paricipated, answering the questions projected on the screen. Some even got a pen as a prize!





El pasado jueves, todos los alumnos de 2º a 4º ESO asistierona una interesante charla sobre cultura británica. Aprendieron muchas cosas acerca de los diferentes países que forman el Reino Unido y se sorprendieron con datos curiosos. Por ejemplo, ¿sabíais que el símbolo nacional de Gales es el puerro? ¿O que un plato típico escocés es el «haggis», hecho con el corazón, el hígado y el estomago de las ovejas? Delicioso!

Todos pudieron participar contestando a las preguntas que aparecían en la pantalla. ¡Algunos incluso se llevaron un boli de premio!




Estancia en Inglaterra The World in Wiltshire

A group of 1º and 2º Bachillerato pupils are spending a ten day stay in the United Kingdom. Just like the other students at Warminster School, they are attending lessons in their smart uniforms; and needless to say, there is also time for sports, friends, and outings. We are looking forward to being told when they are back.

Un grupo de alumnos de 1º y 2º de Bachillerato están realizando una estancia en Inglaterra. Como cualquier otro estudiante de Warminster School, asisten a clase con sus estupendos uniformes; y por supuesto, también hay tiempo para el deporte, los amigos y las excursiones. Estamos deseando que nos cuenten a la vuelta.

Estancia en Inglaterra The World in Wiltshire. Reunión

Este jueves, 7 de septiembre, tendrá lugar una reunión informativa para las familias y los alumnos participantes en la actividad de estancia en Reino Unido The World in Wiltshire. Será en la biblioteca a las 19.15. En ella se concretarán detalles del viaje y de la estancia en Warminster, y se recogerá la documentación pendiente de entregar. Y, por supuesto, se resolverán cuantas dudas queráis plantear.



Experiences do help you. in a good or a bad way, but you always learn from them. During your whole life, there will be new challenges you will face. So do it with and open mind and no worries about making mistakes, we grow from them.

I´m about to finish Year 9. This year I’ve lived lots of experiences that have helped me to mature. One of them has been the exchange with England. I had never done an exchange before, so I was pretty nervous. First, the Spanish students flew to England. I was with Elena in Thea´s house (what a huge house!). We went to school with her and attended classes like a common student, but everything was in English! and speaking another language all the time is tiring, so, at the end of the day, I was always exhausted.

But there are also good things. Thanks to the exchange I have met new people, done lots of friends, tried different types of food, known other lifestyles… I have also improved my English and learnt to get along in other environments and with different people. But most important, I think I’ve grown a bit, not in height, but as a person. So proud of me!!!

And that´s not all, because English students have come to Spain and we’ve had lots of fun. We have gone to the theme park, sailed down the river with kayaks, done crafts… Nice experiences!

Now, I know what it is to take care of someone. It´s a big responsibility, you have to make sure your partner is all right and she/he is enjoying the trip. I´m more responsible now thanks to that.

Well, summarizing, the exchange is a challenging experience you shouldn’t miss. I recommend it to everyone and hope next year we will do it again, because it has been one of the best experiences of my life!!!

Leonor Elcid

Life in the Future

Once again, the students in 2º ESO have imagined what life in the future will be like. You would be surprised at the ideas the came up with: aliens, spaceships, destruction, dictators,…but also flying cars, underwater worlds, friendly robots, food pills….

The students in 2ºB read all the essays and decided on the best one; this was their choice:


In the year 3.000, scientists will investigate Area 51, and they will find out that the aliens exist. They will speak with them and they will tell them that, in 3012 the world will end, but they will help people to escape to another Galaxy. They will freeze humans and take them there on spaceships.

After 100 years, in the new planet, life will be like life on Earth. There won´t be rules in the society, because they will respect each other. The transport will be with ships with the shape of eggs and they will be electric. The food will be pills with delicious taste and very nutritive.

The humans will live in skyscrapers and they will be very happy because there will be peace in the new world.

By: Katia Melnychuk and María Jiménez.


Intercambio con Warminster

From 4th to 11th May the pupils from Warminster School visited us. We were really looking forward to seeing them again to show them Zaragoza and our school. It has been an intense week in which we have had time to attend lessons, go on a gymkhana around the city center, paddle in the Ebro, do a scrapbook workshop and even dance Jota.

Del 4 al 11 de mayo nos visitaron los compañeros de Warminster School. Estábamos deseando volver a verlos y, que conocieran Zaragoza y nuestro instituto. Ha sido una semana muy intensa en la que nos ha dado tiempo de ir a clase, hacer una gymkana por el centro de la ciudad, remar en el Ebro, hacer un taller de scrapbook y hasta bailar la Jota.

Dispuestos a pasar una jornada de emociones en el parque de atracciones

Dispuestos a pasar una jornada de emociones en el parque de atracciones

Detrás de la Lonja, alrededor del caballito después de la Gymkana por el centro  de Zaragoza

Detrás de la Lonja, alrededor del caballito después de la Gymkana por el centro de Zaragoza

La última foto antes de volver a Inglaterra

La última foto antes de volver a Inglaterra

Guess the Character 2016 – 2017: 3rd Character /3er Personaje

With this 3rd character, our 3rd year students discovered the great world of Greek mythology. For it was Ulysses (or Odysseus), the hero in the Greek epic poem «The Odyssey» written by Homer at the end of the 8th century BC.

In the library sessions, they learnt about Ulysses’ 10-year-voyage back home to Ithaca, and his adventures with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the witch-goddess Circe or the «enchanting» sirens. And, like in the previous sessions, they were also «enchanted» by Jesús and Pilar’s stories.

This time it was Alicia Niessen, from 3º A, who got the prize, the book «El silbido del arquero», by Irene Vallejo. But another surprise was awaiting her at the library when she came to collect it. The writer herself was there!!! She autographed the book for Alicia and had some kind words with her. Thank you Irene!



Con este personaje, nuestros alumnos de 3º descubrieron el fascinante mundo de la mitología griega. Pues sí, el personaje escondidos tras las pistas era Ulises, el héroe de «La Odisea», un poema épico griego escrito por Homero a finales del s.VIII AC.

En las sesiones de la biblioteca, aprendieron sobre el viaje de Ulises de regreso a Ítaca y sus aventuras con el Cíclope Polifemo, la diosa-bruja Circe o las «encantadoras» sirenas. Y como en las sesiones anteriores, ellos también fueron «encantados» por las embaucadoras historias de Jesús y Pilar.

Esta vez,  fue Alicia Niessen, de 3º A, quien consiguió el premio, el libro «El silbido del arquero» de la joven autora zaragozana Irene Vallejo, licenciada en filología clásica. Pero otra sorpresa esperaba a Alicia en la biblioteca, ¡la propia autora estaba allí para hacerle entrega del libro! Le firmó el libro y le dedicó unas amables palabras a Alicia, que estaba emocionada. ¡Gracias Irene !


The Joy of Life

The garments I consider as my favourites are a pair of lamb black gloves. I said »my», but they haven’t always belonged to me. In fact, the reason of my adherence to them are the memories they harbour from their former owner.

The aforementioned owner was a pale-skinned girl that had her short black hair matching in colour with her monochromatic attire. But the habit does not make the monk: contrary to her gloomy outfit, her personality showed a moving kindness.
That unflinching smile would never wipe away from her face. Her everlasting optimism made me consider that maybe, she didn’t know the meaning of pain. But her eyes said otherwise.
Those irises, as dark as her hair, leaked from time to time a shadow of melancholy. Imploring glances tried to tell me several times about her concerns. But words are in vain for he who doesn’t know how to listen.
The situation became unbearable. One day, I asked her directly. She avoided uneasily the question. But given that I was so persistent, she took off her facade and broke in tears.
Repentant of not having asked sooner, I felt powerless against the bad news. Suddenly, there were not enough saints to pray for. We’re candles. The wax represents our lifespan. And her candle was burning crazily fast because of an incurable disease.
All I could do was to say consoling words, and to let her cry as hard as she wanted. That futile act seemed to work well, though. Next day, there was no trace of the sadness she bore a few hours ago.
Upon then, her eyes sparked with laughter every single second of her life, just as fireworks. And she knew that fireworks’ brightness is just ephemereal. So, she decided to glitter with more intensity than the rest of lights.
The day sky became dark again, she left behind these gloves. Now I’m warming up my hands with the memories they cherish, seeking for a new candle to light my night.
by Guorui Pan, 3º ESO

Film Sessions

El martes 21 y el miércoles 22 de marzo, el Departamento de Inglés organizó una sesiones de cine para todos los alumnos del centro.

El objetivo era ver una película integramente en versión original con subtítulos en inglés, en el salón de actos, como si de un verdadero cine se tratara.

El tema esta vez era Cine y Literatura. Con una sesiones previas de preparación, cada grupo trabajó con su profesora correspondiente para conocer  el autor, la época y la obra sobre la que se basa la película.

Las películas elegidas han sido:

Para 1º y 2º ESO: Tarzan, película de Disney basada en las novelas de Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Para 3º y 4º ESO: Oliver Twist, de Roman Polansky, basada en la novela de Charles Dickens.

Para 1º y 2º de Bachillerato: Jane Eyre, de Cary Fukunaga, basada en la novela de Charlotte Brontë.

Esperamos que todos hayan disfrutado y aprendido con estas sesiones.

poster cine&lit

On 21st. and 22nd. March, the English Department organized 3 Film Sessions with all our students.

The aim was to watch an entire film in English with Spanish subtitles, in the theatre hall of our school, as if it really were a cinema!

The topic this time was Film and Literature, so that our students got to know some relevant American and British novelists, with the help of some previous activities with their teachers.

The chosen films were: Tarzan (1º/2º ESO), Oliver Twist (3º/4º ESO) and Jane Eyre (1º/2º Bach)

We really hope they enjoyed and learned with the sessions!

World in Wiltshire for «Bachillerato» pupils

As part of the World in Wiltshire program selection process, during the next few days interviews to applicant pupils are being carried out by the English Department. The list of applicants with the dates and times of the interviews is to be found in the call shown on the English Department notice board.

Como parte del proceso de selección del programa World in Wiltshire, el Departamento de Inglés va a realizar entrevistas a los alumnos solicitantes. La lista de solicitantes con las fechas y horas de las entrevistas se encuentra en la convocatoria expuesta en el tablón de anuncios del Departamento de Inglés.

The story behind the objects

Which are your favourite fashion items?

This is what we asked our 3rd. year students and they came up with beautiful stories. Some objects are more than that, they may have a moving story waiting to be told. Want to know? Then, read on.

MAGIC SHOES   by Alexia Bumbacea , 3rd B

I have chosen my ballet shoes because when I dance with them I feel as if I’m in another world, I feel special.

For me, those orange shoes aren’t just simple ballet shoes, they are also something indispensable in my life. My dance teacher gave them to me when I was 13 years old and when I wear them, it’s like I’m in a cloud and I forget all my problems and I just dance with my heart, without any bad thoughts in my mind. But those shoes have a beautiful and unforgettable story for me.

My crew and I were in Lyric class rehearshing for the national championship when our teacher, Sara, entered the room.It wasn’t a good day for me ,exams were going out badly and I felt inferior to the rest of the crew. So I ran out to the toilet. In that moment, my teacher came up to me and gave me a new pair of soft, orange ballet shoes and when she gave them to me she said:  »Don’t cry my darling , save your tears for the stage.»

At the begining I didn’t understand why she gave those shoes to me and I asked her.She told me that when I put them on I’ll understand and she was telling the truth. I went out of the toilet and when I put them on, I forgot all my problems and I felt free.The most important thing for me was doing the best I could, those shoes were magic, they were my magic shoes.

From that day, ballet shoes are very important for me and they may not be beautiful enough but they give me a lot of luck and because of them, I discovered a new world, my world.

RIHANNA’S CREEPERS  by Rebeca Martínez,  3rd B

My favourite piece of clothing is shoes. Especially, I like a type of trainers called “creeper”. In my opinion shoes are an important representation of the type of person you really are; I strongly believe that shoes speak louder than words.

I discovered them when I went to Rihanna’s concert, it was fantastic! Rihanna was wearing this type of trainers. I saw them and immediately fell in love with them. Rihanna had customized them so they were black with silver sequins.

My granny gave them to me for Christmas Invisible Friend. The moment when I was opening the present I felt really curious, what would it be? I saw them and I ran to hug my grandmother. They were the most beautiful trainers I’ve ever seen; they were maroon and very, very comfortable.

I wear them everywhere I go because I love them. I will never throw them out to the rubbish bin even if they wear out. My trainers have a beautiful story because my grandmother died two months ago so when I wear them I remember her. They have become my lucky charm.

Guess the Character 2016 – 2017: 2nd Character / 2º Personaje

Did you guess our hidden character?

Yes!!!! It was Tom Sawyer, from the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by American author Mark Twain in 1876.

The novel is about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. It is set in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived.

A lot of students from 2º ESO participated voting in the school library, trying to guess the character, following the clues week after week.

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After the entertaining and enjoyable sessions, lead by Jesús,Pilar and Elena, where they learnt a lot about Tom Sawyer and Mark Twain, it was time to draw the winner from Tom’s straw hat. It was Alejandro Betts, from 2º ESO B, who got a fantastic version of the book in comic format. Congratulations!

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If you enjoyed playing with us, wait for our next character, coming soon!!!

Look for the clues in the school library.

Who can it be now?


¿Adivinaste nuestro personaje oculto?

Efectivamente, era Tom Swayer, de la novela Las Aventuras de Tom Swayer,  escrita en 1876 por el  autor norteamericano Mark Twain.

Esta vez jugaba 2º ESO y muchos alumnos participaron votando en la biblioteca del centro intentando adivinar el personaje. siguiendo las pistas semana tras semana.

Tras las amenas y emocionantes sesiones en la biblioteca dirigidas por Jesús, Pilar y Elena, llegó el turno de sacar el ganador del sombrero de paja de Tom. Fue Alejandro Betts, de 2º B, quien se llevó una fantástica versión de la novela en formato comic. ¡Enhorabuena!

Si lo pasaste bien jugando con nosotros, no te pierdas nuestro próximo personaje.

¿Quién será esta vez?



Legs to walk

I opened my eyes, and tried to sit up. But I couldn’t. My body was completely covered with wires that came from machines on my sides. There was an exception: my legs. My legs were nowhere to be seen.

Dazed and exhausted, I touched in vain the place they were supposed to be. Then I tried to remember, to find memories about how I ended up in the hospital.

A noise to my left made me turn to the window – they were the raindrops hitting it. Staring at it, I recalled another rainy day with the same dark clouds covering the sky.

That morning I finally turned 11, and I had to accept the fact that Hogwarts wasn’t sending me a letter, and that I’m a muggle. Depressed as a kid who had lost his dreams, I walked down the street. Suddenly, a bus stopped in middle of the road. My curiosity forced me to approach it. Closer, I realised that there was some smoke coming out of the bus. I dropped my umbrella, that flew away. But we people don’t fly: I didn’t react in time, and got caught in the blast.

I wondered out loud »How many days have passed since then?». Someone answered – it was my brother. He went into the room as soon as I woke up, trying to help me in any possible way.

I hated this consideration towards me. I would have prefered to joke as usual, and to laugh until it starts to hurt. That woulf have been enough for me. But I was still shocked, and needed some time alone. He noticed, and left.

I have made up my mind. Even without legs, I’m still able to walk to the future. Until storm passes, I must learn to dance in it.

Doing so, one day, it will stop raining.

by Guorui Pan, 3º ESO

Intercambio con Warminster School

Un grupo de 20 alumnos de 2º de ESO han participado en el intercambio con el colegio inglés Warminster School. Durante una semana, del 8 al 15 de diciembre, nuestros alumnos han podido convivir con sus compañeros británicos, han asistido a clase con ellos, han conocido la preciosa ciudad de Bath y han visitado Stonehenge, un lugar único en el mundo.


En mayo seremos nosotros los anfitriones. Del 3 al 10 de mayo los estudiantes ingleses tendrán la oportunidad de convivir con familias españolas. Por supuesto, les enseñaremos nuestra ciudad y participarán, además, en diversas actividades académicas y lúdicas. Seguro que será, también, una semana muy emocionante para todos.

Guess the Character 2016 – 2017: 1st Character / 1er Personaje

A principio de curso, retomamos el concurso Guess the Character que tuvo tan buena acogida el año pasado por parte de todos los participantes. Y como siempre, empezó jugando 1º de ESO, aunque sabemos que muchos de vosotros también seguís las pistas.

¿Acertasteis el personaje? Efectivamente, Alice in Wonderland, sí, Alicia en el País de las Maravillas!!!!!!

En la biblioteca, Jesús y Pilar introdujeron a los alumnos en el loco universo del Sombrereo Loco , la Reina de Corazones y el Gato de Chesire, y ellos atendieron maravillados, como Alicia, siguiendo todas esas aventuras disparatadas.



Muchos habían acertado el personaje, pero sólo uno podía ser el ganador. Una mano inocente sacó del sombrero del Sombrerero, como no, el nombre del ganador. !Enhorabuena!




I.E.S. MIGUEL SERVET - Paseo Ruiseñores, 49-51 | 50006 Zaragoza

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