Home » Inglés » Guess the Character 2016 – 2017: 2nd Character / 2º Personaje

Guess the Character 2016 – 2017: 2nd Character / 2º Personaje

Did you guess our hidden character?

Yes!!!! It was Tom Sawyer, from the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by American author Mark Twain in 1876.

The novel is about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. It is set in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived.

A lot of students from 2º ESO participated voting in the school library, trying to guess the character, following the clues week after week.

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After the entertaining and enjoyable sessions, lead by Jesús,Pilar and Elena, where they learnt a lot about Tom Sawyer and Mark Twain, it was time to draw the winner from Tom’s straw hat. It was Alejandro Betts, from 2º ESO B, who got a fantastic version of the book in comic format. Congratulations!

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If you enjoyed playing with us, wait for our next character, coming soon!!!

Look for the clues in the school library.

Who can it be now?


¿Adivinaste nuestro personaje oculto?

Efectivamente, era Tom Swayer, de la novela Las Aventuras de Tom Swayer,  escrita en 1876 por el  autor norteamericano Mark Twain.

Esta vez jugaba 2º ESO y muchos alumnos participaron votando en la biblioteca del centro intentando adivinar el personaje. siguiendo las pistas semana tras semana.

Tras las amenas y emocionantes sesiones en la biblioteca dirigidas por Jesús, Pilar y Elena, llegó el turno de sacar el ganador del sombrero de paja de Tom. Fue Alejandro Betts, de 2º B, quien se llevó una fantástica versión de la novela en formato comic. ¡Enhorabuena!

Si lo pasaste bien jugando con nosotros, no te pierdas nuestro próximo personaje.

¿Quién será esta vez?



I.E.S. MIGUEL SERVET - Paseo Ruiseñores, 49-51 | 50006 Zaragoza

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